BioImg Storage Server system how-to

When starting to work with Bioimaging system for the first time

Please make sure you have UNIX ID added to your WIS ID (you can check it with your unit administrator)

Step-by-step guide

On the Device's Computer

-          Create a subfolder named your “userID” under “USER_DATA” folder on computer connected to the device.

-          Save all your data in subfolders under “userID” folder. In general the rule of thumb is to create subfolder for each experiment.  Raw data (eg: .lsm, .czi files) files that are saved directly under “userID” (and not within subfolders) will not be copied.

-          Use only the letters digits and -_. In file and folder names. Special characters like ~!@#$%^&*()`;’:<>,/?[]{}  are not allowed , and files including them are not copied.

-          The data will be copied automatically to BioImging system. The current copy times are: 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00. Don’t turn off the computer. If the computer is off we cannot copy the data.

-          Once your data is copied you’ll get notification email (except for first time)

To Access the data from your Own Computer

-          You need to enter From a webbrowser using your regular user and password and assign the experiment to a project (we call it: “Annotate raw data”)

-          You can use “Edit Annotation” to add information about the experiment

-          To access the data you need to access your virtual disk on bioimg by Map Network drive (on PC)

-          Use: "\\bioimaging1\userID" for folder, check “connect using other credential” and “connect at logon”

-          Use “userID” for user and “userID1” for password. You can change the default password to your regular one using the preferences page on the website

-          To access your data from MAC please go to “Go” and select “connect to server". Please type “smb://bioimaging1/userID” and click connect, please use your "userID" for user and "userID1" for password.