Imaris Installation and Usage Instructions

Imaris Installation and Usage Instructions

Imaris is used for visuualization and analysis of multi-dimensional microscopy data,

3 full floating licences are available for usage anyware inside WIS campus. 

You can use Imaris on your own computer or on one of the Image Analysis workstations at Levine building, room 201

It is Fully supported, If you encounter problems you can contact Ofra Golani or email directly to Imaris support (eusupport@bitplane.com) .

In your email please state clearly that you work at Weizmann Institute and please cc Ofra Golani on the email.  

Imaris usage must be scheduled through Internal Services=>BioImaging Queue (as well as the the image analysis workstations)

If you are not authorized or need user account, please contact Ofra Golani or Kiril Kogan

You should send the following information to Ofra Golani :
  1. The name of the computer you use for Imaris 
  2. The userid you use on that computer
  3. Your name + PI Name 
  4. Telephone number you can be reached on

Latest version 8.4.1. You can see the full list of new features of the latest version in Release Notes

The new version includes also an updated Imaris File Converter.

Learning Material

Look at Imaris Help for Quick Start Tutorials

Video Tutorials can be found in Imaris Learning Center

Hands-On material for self learning of Imaris used in our Image Analysis course can be downloaded here

 Installation Instructions

1. Login as administrator
2. Download the installation files, from the Box folder 
3. Start the setup program suitable for your OS (.exe for Windows, .dmg for Mac) and follow the instructions. Note that you need to Install both Imaris and MCRInstaller (for Imaris Xtensions implemented using Matlab)

4. You can choose now if you want to install Arena, which is useful for batch analysis. If you do please follow also Data Storage Path Specification below

5. Start Imaris

6. The License Settings Dialogue will appear
a) License installation
- start the 'Imaris Administrator' by clicking on the key icon.
- In the new window select 'Add License Location'
- Now choose 'Define Floating License Server' and specify the server name (microarray2) or the server IP-Address ( and the port. (Default port is 2700).

b) Data Storage Path specification
Use the 'Data Management’=>’Data Storage Path' to specify the location were all your data will be stored in Arena View. Please note that this storage space can become huge! Thus we recommend that if you have both system disk (eg C:\) and data disk (eg D:\) you will put it on the data disk. For example create a folder (and path) : D:\ProgramData\Bitplane\DataStorage and select as the Data Storage Path.  You will then be asked to confirm “moving the Data storage to the new location.

7. Hit 'OK' than 'Finish' and finally 'Start'. Imaris should then start.


 You can install and use Imaris File Convertor   to convert your data from your native microscope format into Imaris format in the background without using Imaris license. 

The Installation file is in the same Box folder.