How to Create an External Userid

How to Create an External Userid

For non-WIS users to receive support from DNA sequencing, Structural Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Units, they must have a userid and password on susanc. Each LSCF Unit may create userid for external users, update they email, phone number, etc.

Note: For all of the steps described below, you must login https://susanc.weizmann.ac.il with the userid and password of your LSCF Unit.

  1. Double check that the external user is not already registered on susanc: Go to Apps → Find User and enter part of the name of the external user on the [Find] input field. The system will return a list of know users whose data matches the current input.

  2. Verify that the external user belongs to an Organization with a valid Service agreement. Make a note of the short name for the organization that appears between square brackets [SHORT]. Contact the Secretary of LSCF if there’s no Service Agreement or the Service Agreement is not longer valid.

  3. Go back to Apps → Find User and click on [Add External]

  4. Enter Userid, Given and Last Name, Mail and Phone. Select in Organization the one that this person belongs to.

  5. Click [Create on Susanc] to complete the creation of the External User userid.

  6. By default, the password will be equal to the userid. You may assign a different password on the lower portion of the Add External page, after creating the user.