Element AVITI demultiplexing

Element AVITI demultiplexing

The run name format is:

Side A: <date>_AV240903_<name>_A

Side B: <date>_AV240903_<name>_B


Sample sheet (run manifest)

Instructions to prepare the sample sheet (manifest): https://docs.elembio.io/docs/run-manifest/


Demultiplexing via Bases2Fastq

Instructions to set up Bases2Fastq software https://docs.elembio.io/docs/bases2fastq/setup/

The command for the demultiplexing:

./bases2fastq input output -p 8 -r samplesheet

The command structure:

  • ./bases2fastq invokes the installed static binary executable.

  • input defines the path to the input run directory.

  • output defines the path to the output directory. Running twice with the same output directory overwrites the location.

  • -p threads Bases2Fastq for faster parallel execution. The value depends on your system setup. The example command has a value of 8, which requires at least 8 CPUs.

  • -r the sample sheet path


For example:

bases2fastq /data/av240903/AV240903/<run name>/ /data/fastq/<run name> -p 8  -r /data/fastq/<run name>/<sample sheet file name>

For more details https://docs.elembio.io/docs/bases2fastq/running-bases2fastq/


 For lane separated use --split-lanes

Add Lane column in the sample sheet

The command:

./bases2fastq /input /output --split-lanes