16.2.22 To start an NGS project

16.2.22 To start an NGS project

Requirements for starting an NGS or third generation project with the Bioinformatics Unit at the LSCF:

1. The analysis will be conducted on the WEXAC cluster. Hence:

a. Your lab must have a group folder, and you personally must have an account (userID) on WEXAC. Ask your department administrator to set this up.

b. Make sure that you have sufficient free storage space on WEXAC for your analysis (at least 0.5 Tera).

c. Set up a "Collaboration" folder with read and write permissions for Bioinformatics within your lab folder. This is accomplished by emailing the computing center’s HPC group (hpc@weizmann.ac.il).

2. Payment for the bioinformatics analysis:

The subscription is per scientific group (Principal Investigator) for consulting/analysis with any or all members of the bioinformatics unit. Also explained in https://www.weizmann.ac.il/LS_CoreFacilities/bioinformatics-lscf/how-order .

To pay:

a. Open Internal Services under Life Sciences Core Facilities

b. From the list of services, select Bioinformatics biology (Dena Leshkowitz)

c. Enter all of the details, and select the level of Analysis and Consulting that you wish to order. In general, NGS projects require a “medium project”; however please check with us first.

d. Send a copy of the order to the analyst working with you.

3. For more information on how to analyse sequence data using our pipelines, see the following page:


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