Copy of Getting your NextSeq data

Copy of Getting your NextSeq data

Network Drive:


On Windows - Open "My Computer", click on "Map Network Drive", at the input bar type: \\stefan.weizmann.ac.il\userID then click "Finish".

When opening this drive, at login pop-up prompt, enter your userID and your password on susanc.

On MAC - Click on "Go" then "Connect to server" and type the following: smb://stefan.weizmann.ac.il/userID At the login pop-up prompt, enter your userID and your password on susanc.

You may update your susanc password at http://susanc.weizmann.ac.il/blims/preferv

WGET on UNIX (WEXAC cluster or other Linux):

Please execute the following command for downloading the FASTQ files -

wget -nH --cut-dirs=1 -r --reject=index.html* --exclude-directories=/fastq/runID/RawData --no-parent --no-check-certificate http://stefan.weizmann.ac.il/users/shortcut-userID/userID/runID/

(shortcut-userID is the 2 first letters of userID).

Please execute the following command for downloading the RAW DATA files - wget -nH --cut-dirs=1 -r --reject=index.html* --no-parent --no-check-certificate http://stefan.weizmann.ac.il/raw/runID/

You may update your password on susanc at http://susanc.weizmann.ac.il/blims/prefer


Life Sciences Core Facilities

Bioinformatics team

For questions:

Kirill Kogan (kiril.kogan@weizmann.ac.il)

Irit Orr (irit.orr@weizmann.ac.il)

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