16.2.22 UTAP: Demultiplexing from BCL pipeline guidelines
The Demultiplexing from BCL pipeline /** MORE **/
Pipeline website: http://utap.wexac.weizmann.ac.il
Before you start:
This pipeline runs on the Wexac cluster.
Please prepare the following in advance:
- An account (userID) on Wexac, via your department administrator.
- A "Collaboration" folder within your lab folder on Wexac, with read and write permission for Bioinformatics Unit staff. This must be set up by the computing center (hpc@weizmann.ac.il).
- Sufficient free storage space on Wexac (> 400Gb), via your department administrator.
Setting up a new analysis
- If you have bcl files, copy them to a subdirectory (folder) of your wexac server's Collaboration folder, say called Project1.
You must copy the entire original bcl files folder as written by the Next-seq (or Hi-seq) machine. - The folder's name must conform to the following pattern: <part1>_<part2_<part3>, where <part1> corresponds to /* ?? */, <part2> corresponds to /* ?? */, and <part3> corresponds to /* ?? */ - (e.g. "170802_NB501465_0140_AH3W3KBGX3", with the full path of /home/labs/<USER_LAB>/Collaboration/Project1/170802_NB501465_0140_AH3W3KBGX3)
- The output will be written to the /home/labs/USER_LAB/Collaboration/Project1 folder /** where in the folder? Perhaps in an output subdir of 170802_NB501465_0140_AH3W3KBGX3 - or a general output subdir of the parent? **/
Then, login to utap.wexac.weizmann.ac.il via Firefox or Chrome (the pipeline is NOT compatible with Internet Explorer) using your Weizmann userID and password, and click on Run pipeline:
The pipeline converts bcl files to fastq files and demultiplexes the fastq file according to either the MAR-seq or True-seq (or semi- True-seq) protocol.
Click on Demultiplexing_from_BCL in the Choose pipeline box:
/** Add Analysis workflow */
/* Output folders section? */
List of links
Transcriptome pipeline for Weizmann Institute users: http://utap.wexac.weizmann.ac.il
Demo of the UTAP interface (for internal and external users): http://utap-demo.weizmann.ac.il
Kohen et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2019) 20:154 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-019-2728-2 (PMID: 30909881)
Bioinformatics support staff for UTAP:
- UTAP development and maintenance team: utap@weizmann.ac.il
- Dena Leshkowitz
- Ester Feldmesser
- Gil Stelzer
- Bareket Dassa
- Noa Wigoda