10.9.24 UTAP2 Administrative interface

10.9.24 UTAP2 Administrative interface

UTAP2 provides a user-friendly interface (Django admin site) for managing users, genomes, and pipelines. This interface is accessible only to admin users, which includes the user who performed the installation and those granted admin privileges.

Admin users will see an additional tab on the UTAP2 menu bar, from which they can access the admin site using their credentials, as shown below:



 All UTAP2 database (DB) tables can be viewed and managed from the admin interface. These tables include details such as:

·         Genomes indexes tables: Contains the genome indexes details and locations on the server for all mapping software used by UTAP2 pipelines.

·         User Table: Contains information about all users who have signed up on the UTAP2 platform. If UTAP2 uses LDAP for user management, this table will include all LDAP users.

·         Analyses Table: Stores records of all pipelines run on the UTAP2 platform.

·         Pipeline Run Tables: Each pipeline also has a dedicated table describing all individual runs.


Key Administrative Actions in UTAP2:

User Management:

  1. Admin users can view and modify all users by accessing the "Users" tab in the admin menu bar.

  2. User details and permissions can be updated through the user form, accessible by clicking on the username (as shown below).



To add a new user, click the "+ Add" button in the admin menu and complete the form with the username and password, as demonstrated below.


Analysis Management:

·         All pipelines executed on the UTAP2 platform are listed in the "Analyses" table.

·         By selecting a specific pipeline, the pipeline parameters are displayed in a form (see below for an example).



Genome Indexes and Annotations Management:

  • Transcriptome pipelines (such as RNA-Seq, MARS-Seq, and SCRB-Seq) use STAR software for the mapping step, while chromatin pipelines (such as ATAC-Seq, ChIP-Seq, and Ribo-Seq) use Bowtie software.

  • A table containing genome index details and their locations on the server for each software can be found in the admin menu.

To add a new genome index, click the "+ Add" button and complete the form with the genome's location and details, as illustrated below for the STAR genome index.




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